Case Study

Empowered Chronic Condition Management – Diabetes Quality

The Challenge

A large managed care company (MCO) had a low adoption rate among their members for the diabetes program they offer, resulting in increased ER/ hospital usage, deteriorating health, and higher costs.

Every payer, employer, and care provider is facing the challenge of diabetes: 37M Americans have diabetes and 1 in 3 have pre-diabetes. Diabetes is the most expensive chronic condition in the U.S., costing $327B a year in medical costs and lost productivity.

The Challenge

The Solution

EmpowerHealth’s conversational AI-enabled digital health assistant reached out to 100% of the MCO’s members, resulting in proactive health monitoring and management: consistently assessing for care gaps that unlock insights, in real time, making a powerful impact on plan performance and outcomes.

The Impact

EmpowerHealth’s conversational AI-enabled digital health assistant reached out to 100% of the MCO’s members, resulting in:


Members Meaningfully Engaged


Gaps In Care Identified and Addressed


Labor Cost Savings


Contact Center Hours Saved

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