
EmpowerHealth is on the Cutting Edge of Digital Health


Study Reveals Significant Inconsistencies in Care Transitions

A recent JAMA study revealed real inconsistencies in care transitions for patients. A full 20% of patients reported that social determinants of health (SDOH) stood in the way of achieving a healthy outcome. The point: Each patient is different and SDOH can impact their clinical outcomes.  

For example, challenges associated with transportation decreased the odds that a patient would complete their follow-up appointments by a whopping 70%. In addition, African American patients were less likely to have engaged in follow-up visits within two weeks of their hospital discharge.   

The study coauthors have three insights to share with healthcare leaders. These include:   

  1. Care transitions are variable

  2. Patients have significant SDOH issues

  3. Potential racial disparities occur during post-discharge follow-up with patients  

The reality is, the industry is aware that health inequity and lack of health literacy translate to poor clinical outcomes for patients and higher costs for payers and providers. Now, there is technology that can do something about it. Care Angel can help.   

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Meet Angel: Award Winning A. I. Voice Nurse Assistant  

Our digital health assistant, supports payers and providers with care transition engagement by attempting to contact 100% of eligible patients discharged from hospital or clinical setting to home. Traditional nurse call centers will manage an average of about 10% of the clinical capacity - at a much higher cost. Our commitment is to apply proven machine learning logic and workflow that ensures, after a single attempt, the patient doesn’t go to the bottom of the list. Our scheduler is set to reattempt contact at a frequency defined by the client - extending reach without adding to labor costs. 

And of course, Angel adheres to Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) regulations and compliance. That typically means we commit to contacting a patient up to three times post-discharge. After a third unsuccessful phone attempt, over a set time-frame, we can send a text, voice mail or email to the patient inviting them to opt in to communications to manage their care journey.  

We help support care transitions in three pivotal ways:   

  1. Angel is a proven care extension. By optimizing and extending scarce clinical resources, Angel is highly efficient, effective, scalable, and delivers a sustainable case management model.     

  1. Angel supports a proactive, preventative care model. Through enabling outreach to more than 90% of members and patients, we help you mitigate risk. That translates to proven clinical impact and closed care gaps.   

  1. Angel relies on a data-driven algorithm. Intuitively, Angel suggests the next best actions for large patient and member populations after discharge. That means personalized pathways for each individual and more personalized attention to health equity.  

Angel’s innovative capabilities support healthcare payers’ and providers’ care coordination efforts by ensuring that clinicians receive notifications about any episodes that impact downside risk. We also empower members and patients to easily and proactively report and navigate the following tasks:   

  • Medication reconciliation  

  • New or worsening symptoms  

  • Transportation, food and other needs  

  • Scheduling follow-up care and appointments  

  • Medical supply needs 

  • Connection with the patient’s pharmacist 

  • Automatic transfer to nurse line if needed

  • And more  

 Payers and providers have a vested interest in managing downside risk. That’s a goal you share with Care Angel. We automatically filter your populations by risk. The benefit to your members and patients: Access to care teams--in the moment with actionable information. That’s how you reduce churn and help patients stay healthy, reducing readmissions.

As you continue to embark on your value-based care journey, Care Angel will continue to add value.   

The end result: Fully optimized care transitions with the ability to proactively identify and close health equity and clinical gaps.

Want to Learn More?

Contact Care Angel Today! To learn more about Angel, contact us today by calling (800) 825-3227 or filling out our online form. We look forward to working with you and providing you with the healthcare management tools you need!  

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Benefit Consultants: Your Clients' #1 Competitive Advantage is Employee Engagement

We have never seen a job market like the one we're experiencing today. It's been called the "Great resignation" and the "Great reassignment." Regardless of the label used, employers around the country are competing for talent like never before.  

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Employers look to you to advise them on what's new—and likely to set them apart with job candidates. Also important: Employers can’t forget about retaining their current employees.  

The health benefits employers offer can make all the difference in motivating, attracting, and retaining employees, while also reducing medical spend.  

A question: Are your clients' employees engaged during open enrolment and throughout the year? Probably not.  

You can help. 

According to SHRM, without a good internal communications and engagement strategy, plan participation is likely to underperform. The impact on your clients' employees? They miss out on the great benefits crafted specifically to keep them healthy and performing at the top of their professions. 

Enter Care Angel. We offer Angel, a digital employee-engagement platform that allows your clients to communicate with employees at scale by phone call, text, and secure chat. Angel is tailored to meet and even exceed the goals and objectives of individual employer groups.

Angel delivers continuous, proactive, digital engagement that transforms the way employees maximize tools that drive health and well-being success. Angel helps employers boost employee engagement during open enrolment and throughout the year to increase awareness about programs such as chronic condition management, pain management, mental health, and other well-being benefits your clients offer.  


3 questions:

  • How many hours do your clients spend chasing down employees to sign up during open enrollment and for other benefits throughout the year?

  • Do your clients' employees know how to navigate benefits for digital health, coverage for preventative care, or life-changing health events?

  • Are your clients' employees even aware of benefit programs that can support them in better addressing pain management and diabetes, in addition to cancer prevention and mental health?


We know the answers to these questions. Your clients are chasing down employees during the open enrollment period and throughout the year because traditional health communication outreach doesn’t cut it. And their employees likely don't know where to go in the event of an injury, illness, or diagnosis.  

Angel proactively helps employees make better informed decisions. 


Here are 3 ways Care Angel can help: 

  1. Angel uses voice, text, and secure chat to remind and inform your clients' employees during open enrollment--and throughout the year. 
    What does that mean for your clients? It means their employees can avoid missed open enrollment opportunities by automating conversational, inbound and outbound calls and capturing a deeper understanding of their employees' knowledge about their benefits packages through real-time insights. 

  1. Angel relies on machine learning to get to know employees over time.
    Far from a chatbot or an IVR, Angel is sophisticated, understands utterances, nested responses, and interruptions. Did we mention Angel speaks and understands 72 languages? 

  1. Angel can help employers boost benefit awareness, annual wellness visits, and screenings across a diverse workforce.
    Supporting employees who might otherwise skip important annual visits, Angel can offer regular care tips on well-being and even help with pharmacy benefit management and medication adherence. 


Care Angel offers the following solutions for your clients: 

  • Open Enrollment Support Solutions 

  • Chronic Condition Management Workflows 

  • Pharmacy Benefit Support Pathways 

  • Preventative Care Reminders for Annual Wellness Visits and Screenings 

  • Digital Health Services Awareness and Utilization 

  • Broadcast Messages for Emergency Response and Public Health Advisories 

  • Identification of Health Equity and SDOH factors 


Want to learn more?Call Care Angel today at (800) 825-3227 or contact us. We look forward to helping you continue to deliver results for your clients! 



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